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Live broadcast from Debbie Martínez of NASA!

We are pleased to announce that we have an exciting live broadcast from Debbie Martínez who works for the Aeronautics Research department of NASA. A rare and exciting opportunity for students! Please do share with your students to watch at home, it’ll be a webinar style event with mics and cameras turned off and the Q&A function moderated by a member of the SFS team.

Date: Monday 2nd November

Time: 17.00 – 18.00

Age group: KS4 & 5

Join Link:

Want to know more about NASA and careers in STEM? Join Speakers for Schools & Debbie Martínez for this broadcast! Students will be given the opportunity to ask Debbie questions and SFS will share some resources in the Q&A thread for students who are interested in a career in the sector.